Saturday, November 18, 2023

Improving Sierra Madre Transit


Heading to the CTA conference on transit! (📷: J. Lloyd)

Electric ADA accessible microbus on display at CTA conference. (📷: J. Lloyd)


  • Last week I attended the California Transit Association (CTA) conference, held at the Pasadena Convention Center. It was a great opportunity to learn about what's going on in the world of public transportation in California. Since Metro replaced Sierra Madre's bus service with Metro's microtransit service MetroMicro, the Transportation Subcommittee has been working on ways to improve transit service in town, since microtransit may not meet all of Sierra Madre's transit needs. I made some valuable contacts with local transit agencies and will be working with the Transportation Subcommittee to see what transit services these agencies may have to offer Sierra Madre. Oh, and my ebike + Metro A (Gold) Line commute helped me beat the traffic and high parking prices!

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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Transportation Updates!


Sierra Madre will be participating in an e-bike partnership with GoSGV! (📷: Active SGV)


  • Sustainable Transportation Plan: The city's transportation subcommittee met last Wednesday (11/8) and got updates from staff on two exciting initiatives. First, the city is applying for a Sustainable Transportation Planning grant through Caltrans. These grants help cities pay for the work that is necessary to plan sustainable transportation improvements. Those improvements include EV infrastructure, but also transit and safe streets upgrades that improve safety for all road users. The safer people feel walking and biking, the more comfortable they feel walking or biking to the store, to schools, to run errands, and replacing some local car trips. 
  • E-bike Program: The city is also in discussions with Active SGV, a local nonprofit group that runs the GoSGV ebike rental program. The city would get a small fleet of ebikes for a year and develop programs for folks to try them out. Getting people on ebikes is the first step in raising awareness of what a game-changer ebikes can be for lots of local trips. The program start date has not been announced, but as soon as it is, I'll share the news!

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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Arroyo Fest!


Historic Arroyo Seco Parkway (110 Freeway) was turned over to people walking, biking, and rolling Sunday Oct. 29. (📷: J. Lloyd)

Multimodal L.A. (📷: J. Lloyd)

Huge turnout for ArroyoFest 2023! (📷 J. Lloyd)


  • Arroyo Fest was a huge success! Thousands turned out to walk, jog, and roll on a car-free 110 freeway between Pasadena and East LA. Truly an amazing experience that showed just how much people in Southern California are eager for safe, car-free spaces to enjoy the outdoors and healthy mobility. The LA Times interviewed a number of participants asking what they like about biking in LA and what could be improved. Nearly all said they wanted safer streets to bike on. 
  • The Transportation Subcommittee hosted an information table at the Halloween Happening downtown. If you have any questions or recommendations for improving transportation safety, accessibility, and sustainability, please email: 

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2024 in Retrospect

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